Alex Blankenstein
Talking to Alex feels like connecting to a trusted brother. He represents the best of the next generation of LifeStar Therapists who focuses on our core of Men's Work.
Therapist Profile
Alex is the dedicated and tireless father of three adventurous boys and husband of his best friend and wife of over 15 years. As an avid enthusiast of rock climbing, canyoneering, paddle-boarding, snowboarding, and yoga, Alex is keenly in-tune with the importance of mindfulness, body awareness and self-care in a successful recovery and in living a life “more fully alive.” Alex’s focus on transforming pain instead of transmitting it is the core of his passion for helping individuals and couples grow, develop, and connect.
“I aspire to help people reveal their true selves and what they value and then hold them accountable to that.”
Education & Certifications
M.A. University of Phoenix - Clinical Mental Health Counseling
B.A. University of Utah - Foreign Language: Spanish
A.S. Salt Lake Community College
Desire: The Journey We Must Take to Find the Life God by John Eldredge
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You Are Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown.
Breathing Underwater: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps by Richard Rohr
Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss